Tuesday, 27 April 2010

An alien lady?

God, I have not managed to churn out nearly as much work as I wanted to this past week. It seemed like everytime I tried to draw something, it would fail miserably. So I was highly suprised and very happy when this image started to develope.

She's blue...and oddly cat like. I'll draw the male version later so that I can compare the differences in the genders and what not, write up a short bio, etc.

All I have decided for now is that they are a very warrior like race, and very preditory.

Wednesday, 14 April 2010

An update and a group shot

Lucretia's face is finally done XD I've tried messing around with different textures this time too to see if I can make her skin look a bit more real. I don't like the ultra-smooth look you get if I would have left it as it was. Going to finish those goggles next, and then start on the hair :3 The shorter hair on her scalp is going to be a nightmare to do I think, and the longer stuff will be fun XD I really enjoy painting hair for some reason.

I've also started sketching out everyone's characters (bar Jay's because I don't know what he looks like yet) for the poster. I'm happy with the poses, so I'm going to start playing around with some possible compositions and what not :3

Thought I'd throw a colour blocked version in too for no particular reason.

From left to righer- Tom's character Dustor, Dave's character Wep, Cat's robot, and my character Lucretia.
Dustor and Wep's poses were loosely referenced from Pose Maniacs.

Right, I'm off to design a tattoo for my sister :3

Sunday, 11 April 2010

Yet another update

Another update. Smoothing out the skin tones and starting to experiment with brushes for when I come to render the hair. Still fixing anatomy up as I go along. The mouth is what is bothering me right now, but I think it's getting there.

Trying to play around with these brushes by the fantastic Adonihs.

Thursday, 8 April 2010


Started on refining the image, I'm also really trying to pay attention to facial features as I often over look the problems I have and "draw what I think I know" rather than "draw what I see" without realising. So this time I'm really studying the structure of the face, especially the nose, which I always fail at. Gonna start putting some textured detail in there too soon to give the effect of pores, lines, etc.

Thats all for tonight.

Wednesday, 7 April 2010

That was quick...

My update for the night: Rough colours have been blocked in. I'm trying to drag myself into a new and what I hopefully will be a more productive way of working. Before I would just work on my favourite area, which is usually the face, which would end up killing my drive to finish the rest of the image. But no longer! I'm going to force myself to do everything all at once, detailing what I least enjoy first, and leaving what I love to do last so that I keep up motivation ^^ Fingers crossed I'll work quicker that way too.

I kinda really like it as it is now, all rough and paintery and sketchy, but alas, it is destined to end up as a rendered piece :P
Fixed her features a little, and I'm trying to make her appear worn and battle torn, but I think she may still be too pretty at the moment. AND her right eye (our left) seems to be a little lazy at the moment. Will fix that in the morning.

I'll look at it with a fresher eye tomorrow and what not...for now, I'm off to bed.

At last....

I'm back on track XD Been having some problems with my PC which annoyingly has gotten in my way more than I would have liked with doing uni work. Everything is back up and running now though and I've been scribbling to my heart's content.

Rough sketch for the portrait of Lucretia that I will be fully rendering for the selection screen is below.
I used stock by the brilliant Katanaz-Stock over on DA as reference, and so far I'm happish with the initial sketch. Her poportions are still a little funky, but I'll tidy that up as I go along.

I'm also hoping to make a tutorial of sorts out of this, so....yah...

I'm attempting to make this as realistic as I possibly can, and I'm really happy with her facial features- she's not your stereotypical blonde bimbo babe type thing- she's tough, battle worn warrior lady XD Or at least thats what I hope she looks like >.<
I'll probably end up updating again before I go to bed XD